The Insurance Process

Here Is How Our Process Works:

The Inspection
The adjuster will look at your property during working hours, so you probably won't be home when the damage assessment is taking place, which means you have no input in the matter. We ask that you allow us to represent you during the inspection. The adjuster will inspect your roof and exterior of your home for visible signs of damage only. In most cases the adjuster will measure out a "Test Square" (10' x 10') on different sections of your roof. If he can find a sufficient amount of bruises or breaks for each "Test Square," (usually only 7 or 8 are required) the insurance company will buy you a new roof.
How Insurance Companies Pay on a Claim
In most cases, about a week after the adjuster has assessed your property, you will receive your first check. This is most commonly called the ACV (Actual Cash Value). This check should represent the actual cost to repair or replace the damaged areas only, minus depreciation. The age and condition of the property is taken into account when calculating this depreciation. After repairs have been completed, the insurance company will issue a check for the RECOVERABLE depreciation, provided the cost of the repairs exceed the amount of your deductible and the initial claim payment. The amount of recoverable depreciation will be based on the lesser amount of the adjuster’s estimate or the actual cost incurred on damaged areas only. There is a way to receive the total settlement payment WITHOUT depreciation. Many people never get the depreciation amount back because they do not understand the process or the contractor they chose didn’t follow the proper procedures.
WHEN THIS HAPPENS, YOU HAVE TO PAY THE DIFFERENCE. THIS CAN COST YOU THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS or, you will have to suffer with inferior quality. We’ve seen it countless times.
We can offer a COMPLETE repair or replacement package (at the discretion of your insurance company) without you having to do anything. Let us handle all the red tape!


How can Castle Rock help?
We offer a free, no obligation inspection of your home and determine how significant the damages are, and what can be done to fix the affected areas. We can meet with your insurance adjuster and negotiate a “Fair Market Price” to have all the work completed for the exact amount the insurance company pays. This keeps you from over paying.
Will my insurance rates go up if I make a claim?
Following a significant storm some insurance companies may consider your area a ZONE area. The insurance company may raise your rates if you are in this described ZONE area. It makes no difference if you file a claim or not as you are now in the same pool and your rates may increase regardless if you file a claim or not.
Will my insurance company cancel my policy if I make a claim?
NO. You cannot be cancelled for filing a claim, especially if it was not your fault.
Can I wait to file a claim?
NO. Most insurance companies only give you a short time in which to file a claim and after that they are not obligated to fully indemnify you for your loss. You need to file a claim as soon as possible in order to ensure that you get prompt and adequate coverage.
Do I need to get two or more estimates?
NO. All insurance companies have their own price lists that they must go by and will only pay for necessary repairs, (according to their price list), regardless of how many estimates you may get. By getting several estimates you will only save the insurance company money and cost yourself time and quality. By letting a professional negotiate with the insurance company, we can make sure that you get everything necessary for a quality restoration.
How much will the entire process cost?
The entire process will cost you your deductible amount in most cases, usually $250.00, $500.00 or $1000.00, but in most cases we can help you with that. Castle Rock has an aggressive referral program.
Will my insurance company give me more money if I spend more than they have given me?
PROBABLY NOT! Your insurance company will only pay supplemental items that you can prove they overlooked. Castle Rock does an extensive inspection of your home; we will not let them overlook anything! We work with all insurance companies!
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101 W. Evergreen Parkway / Suite 4
Elkhorn, WI 53121
(262) 723-5555
Castle Rock Roofing & Restoration. All rights reserved.